Lipo Laser

Lipo-Laser, is a procedure that helps re-sculpture your body. The laser pin points precise areas with fat build up and shrinks the fat cells forcing the fat back into the bloodstream where you utilise the fat as energy in the muscle while doing a full work out at the gym.


This is a very effective treatment with Anita carefully taking measurements before and immediately after the Laser treatment, so you immediately know how much fat has gone. Usual problem areas are stomach, chin. Neck, top of arms, and thighs. (Separate treatments are required for each body area and depending the amount of fat you want to remove several treatments might be needed for each area).

LIPO-LASER is equally favoured by both female and male clients, so now there is no excuse for beer bellies and love handles. Have an important event or occasion coming along Lipo-Laser certainly will help you look your best. It is very advantageous to pencil it in before a wedding and certainly if you are going to take a holiday where you want to look your best on the beach a short spurt of Lipo-Laser treatment is a must.

Most people we speak to tell us that no matter how they diet or exercise there remains areas where fat build up, just will not go and LIPO-LASER certainly helps to solve that problem. Bare Essentials had one Male Client who had Lipo-Laser treatment for 5 weeks his trouser size went down from 42 in to 34.


Many models are paying for Lipo-Laser treatment, to get their legs in perfect shape before posing for magazine photos. Here at Bare Essentials North East, we call it body recontouring. With the legs it removes fat from problem areas to make the legs look so much better. Many models used the laser treatment to slim, tone and reduce cellulite.

One of the most asked questions is Does it hurt? And the short answer is that it is a non-invasive treatment that does not hurt at all and is completely safe.

1 session of Lipo-Laser costs £49.

To ensure your skin is suitable and there will be no adverse reaction it is necessary to have a patch test, before the treatment begins. At the present time ANITA is offering a FREE patch test. So why not arrange to come along and get your FREE patch test If at this stage you decide to go ahead we will ask for £20 deposit which will be fully refundable at your final treatment.